The Blue Crane | South Africa’s National Bird

blue crane

The Blue Crane | South Africa’s National Bird

With Spring’s arrival on the Reserve and a noticeable increase in bird and wildlife activity, what a memorable experience it was to come across these two beautiful birds, frolicking on the water’s edge. Breeding pairs will engage in a ritual of flinging various objects in the air and jumping. Blue Cranes feed mostly on grasses, sedges (a grass-like plant with triangular stems and inconspicuous flowers) and various insects, lizards, frogs and snakes. With Blue Crane populations dwindling over the last couple of years due to the threat of poisoning, collisions with power lines and loss of habitat, they are now listed as vulnerable by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Next time you explore grasslands near wetlands, be on the lookout for these angelic birds.

blue crane

blue crane