Latest footage of Nambiti’s Lanner Falcons and their chicks​

Latest footage of Nambiti’s Lanner Falcons and their chicks​

Time has transformed the Lanner Falcon chicks in central Nambiti since they were initially videoed in August last year. In the latest footage by Steven Freese, the much-matured chicks feed on a mouse on their cliff-face nest.

In August 2017, wildlife photographer and guide Steven Freese captured the first footage of a pair of nesting Lanner Falcons and their chicks on the cliffs in the central part of Nambiti Private Game Reserve. In his latest footage, we are able to see how the chicks have matured over time as they feed on a mouse. In comparing the two sets of footage, the privilege of watching these birds in this ideal habitat at Nambiti is fortified. To watch the chicks grow from the back of a game drive vehicle has formed an exciting component of the guides’ day at Nambiti and has presented a wonderful opportunity for guests to observe the natural behaviour of these beautiful birds.

The unique habitat and diverse eco-system combining grasslands, bushveld, cliff faces, and river systems at Nambiti have made for improved birding over the years, with a number of new species recorded every year. Currently sitting on 252 recorded species within the reserve, the varied habitat for birds sees a number of resident and migratory species, including many birds of prey. Guides and guests are fortunate to regularly spot Lappet-Faced, White-Backed, and Grey Vultures, as well as most eagle species, falcons, buzzards, and the very exciting Steppe Buzzard. A number of breeding pairs of Secretary Birds have also been spotted on Nambiti and they are a perennially exciting sighting.